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Politique de confidentialité

Contrôleur de données

Veisto Oy

Yrittäjäntie 1
52700 Mäntyharju

Lari Oranen
[email protected]

Déclaration de confidentialité

Veisto Oy Website Data Protection Statement

Last updated on 20.01.2020

  1. Data Controller
    Veisto Oy
    Yrittäjäntie 1
    52700 Mäntyharju, Finland
  2. Contact person in matters related to the data file
    Lari Oranen
    [email protected]
  3. Name of the Data Protection Statement
    Veisto Oy’s website user register and web analytics.
  4. Legal basis and purpose of processing personal data
    The legal basis of personal data processing is a customer or stakeholder relationship or interaction with Veisto Oy. Personal data will be used to manage customer relationships and improve user experience at the website. Personal data is maintained so that messages sent through online forms can be answered when needed.
  5. User register
    Personal data stored in the user register includes: the person’s name, company/organization and contact details (phone number, e-mail address, postal address).
    Personal data to be stored in the register is obtained from messages sent by users through web forms where the users disclose their personal data.
  6. Web analytics
    We use a web analytics service run by Google Inc. (“Google”) to process visitor data. This service uses so-called cookies on our site. Google’s privacy policy is available online at
  7. Cookies are used on websites for various technical reasons, such as to facilitate the use of a service. This functionality is not used for collecting personal data. In addition, we may collect statistical data on the use of the service, such as the number of visitors, most popular pages, landing pages, exit pages, etc. If you do not want the service to collect information through cookies, you can disable cookies in your web browser settings. However, disabling cookies may affect the functioning of the website, in which case we cannot guarantee that the site will function properly.Our website uses third-party social media plugins from YouTube and Instagram. Third-party applications are subject to their own terms of use and policies.
  8. Regular disclosures of data
    Data Protection Statement
    Veisto Oy
    Yrittäjäntie 1
    Mäntyharju, Finland
    [email protected]
    Personal data will not be regularly disclosed to third parties, but may be disclosed to the extent permitted and required by applicable law. Neither will personal data be disclosed or transferred by the controller outside the EU or the EEA without specific permission.
  9. Principles of data protection and retention period
    Technical equipment is protected in accordance with Veisto Oy’s information security guidelines. In its capacity as a data controller, Veisto will ensure that any information collected is processed in a strictly confidential manner and only by the employees who need the data in the performance of their duties. Any obsolete or unnecessary data will be erased in an appropriate manner. We will retain your personal data only as long as necessary for the purposes of the processing.
  10. Rights of data subjects
    All data subjects have the right to access their data stored in the data file and to request the correction of any inaccurate or incomplete information. Data subjects also have the right to request the erasure of their personal data stored in the data file. Furthermore, data subjects have the right to complain to the supervisory authority if they consider that the controller has not complied with applicable data protection rules and regulations. In Finland, the supervisory authority is the Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman ([email protected]). In its capacity as a data controller, Veisto Oy will respond to any requests addressed to it within the period specified in the EU General Data Protection Regulation, normally within one month of the request. Requests shall be addressed to:
    Veisto Oy
    Yrittäjäntie 1
    52700 Mäntyharju, Finland
    [email protected]